Thursday, May 21, 2009

DVT Myth #4

Myth #4: Prescription leg stockings can help cure DVT If you've been diagnosed with DVT, the first thing your doctor will try to do is peddle expensive "prescription" leg stockings that supposedly increase blood flow in the veins and arteries of your rapidly rotting leg. These glorified socks can cost up to $100. The truth is that there you don't need to spend 100 bucks on special stockings. Any long socks will do. Victoria Secret offers a variety of styles. Many doctors also argue that stocking therapy is more effective when pursued in concert with other proven remedies like sexy nurse outfits (see below):


  1. Hello,
    I have an online guide about compression socks. I think we could both benefit from a blogroll link exchange where we link to each others website to boost search engine ranking. If you're interested, please send me an email and I will get a link up on my website "" Thanks alot,


  2. this is not a myth at all. i work for one of the top DVT/venous specialists in the entire country. the socks help promote better circulation, etc. and they have to be of medical grade to give you the support needed. most of the time, insurance covers them anyway. rarely are you asked to run out and purchase $100 stockings!

  3. Thank goodness for my 99% accuracy disclaimer!
