Saturday, May 30, 2009

Preventing DVT

Once you're diagnosed with DVT, your reputation will be forever tarnished. Children will cry when they see you. Your dog will bark at you. No matter how much bacon you offer it and how many times you ask it, "What's wrong Fido? Don't you recognize me?" it will continue to growl and nervously back away from you. Your life as you know it is over. You might as well jump.

That's why it's important to prevent DVT before it occurs and drastic David Lee Rothian steps must to be taken.

The key question is this: is DVT a preventable disease (like being left-handed) or is it something that you inherit? The answer is metaphyiscally complex. DVT is usually caused by a genetic predisposition. Your genetic predisposition was caused by God's mysterious plan. Though in your case, the plan isn't terribly mysterious. God doesn't much care for you, and I think you know why. I suggest you find a hobby. A different hobby.

If you haven't angered God by violating His will on the self-gratification issue, then your DVT could just be a freak accident or a case of bad luck. Let me give you an example: Remember when you were 5 and caused your parents to divorce because you didn't put away your toys and sometimes misbehaved? You really screwed up there. You ruined a perfect marriage when you didn't finish your vegetables. DVT is totally different. DVT is not your fault.


  1. Where did you go? I think I have DVT and am looking for awesome information....but you didn't even make it to DVT Myths 1 and 2.... :-(

  2. Sometimes i do get worried about DTV. I just wanted to know that , are you certain that preventive measures do stop it. I have a family history of DTV. Not only in one generation but also following generation as well.
